I have decided to move my thoughts, feelings, photos, etc. to another address in the blogosphere. It is not a private blog. You can message me on facebook if we are friends there! Or leave your email in a comment here and I will email you! I don't want to lose any of my bloggy friends so be sure to come find me!
Happy Blogging!
The End.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
A Quick Sneak Peek
Here are 2 pics {fuzzy iphone pics} of my 2 fave paint colors in the new house!
The "Chamois" walls in the kitchen. Can you tell Cutie is getting used to the huge cast on her arm?! It comes off on the 10th! Woo Hoo!
And "Temptation" in the girls' bathroom. Yes, Wild Child is wearing 2 different shoes. All 3 girls LOVED the color, but I am currently very worried about my hubby's reaction. He is not exactly on board with the color choices for the "kid's wing" of the house.
Sorry I am not around much...posting and/or commenting...my Mom is here helping me! We are scheduled to move on the 13th and 14th! Yippee!
Monday, July 25, 2011
A couple weeks ago I received a box in the mail for a product review. I was so excited!
I joined VocalPoint about a month ago and had been hoping to review some cool stuff. Downy had sent me one of their latest products, Downy Unstopables. It is a scent booster you add to each load in the washer.
You pour as much as you want in the cap and throw them in the washer with your load of clothes. We have a lot of dirty towels...and sometimes they are in the basket a little too long...you know what I am talking about! Stinky towel syndrome. Well, if you add a few Unstopables to your towels they come out smelling fabulous! AND will still be fabulous and fresh when you use them!
I have washed a lot of our blankets before packing them for the move. Now when I pull them out at the new house they will smell fantastic! My mom and I just saw Unstopables in Walmart last week. They were $6.97. After using them at my house, my mom picked up one for herself! I will definitely be keeping them...hope Downy puts out coupons! A bottle will last a long time!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Don't Be Fooled By The Mismatched Clothing And Grass In Her Hair!
On July 7th around 8pm...my girls and their cousin Beth wanted to go on our nightly ATV ride over to the new house. I had been cleaning and packing and was so tired. I had not even taken the time to eat and was getting a little sick. I let Manga Dork and cousin Beth each take a girl on their ATV. I said, "Go slow...no acrobats." I ate 10 mini corn dogs. Then the girls burst into the house crying and yelling.
Manga Dork said that she looked back and turned the wheel and the 4 wheeler had flipped completely over. I saw Cutie clutching her stomach. I said, "It ran over her stomach!" I panicked! Turns out she was clutching her arm. Just one glance near the elbow and I knew it was broken...badly. We took her to the ER...mismatched dirty play clothes and hair full of grass. Manga Dork had given her a makeover prior to the ride that included LOTS of hairspray.
We left our local hospital a little after midnight after a quick kiss to wish each other "Happy? 17th Anniversary." We drove 3 hours to Columbus Children's Hospital. It took 3 people to hold her arm down for the IV. I felt like I was going to completely lose it. They doped her up with morphine.
She had surgery at noon and received her bright pink cast. Now we have a matching set...leg and arm.
After eating and drinking and peeing enough to satisfy the nurse, Cutie was wheeled out in a wagon at 8pm. We had a lovely anniversary dinner from Dairy Queen in the car as we drove home. We felt like zombies. When we got home my dear Dr. Hubby fell asleep clutching his pjs. I just let him sleep in his clothes.
She has 3 pins that come out of her skin underneath her cast. She gets everything removed August 10th!
Upon further inspection of the ATV, Dr. Hubby discovered it had been in 4th gear. Manga Dork had been untruthful. A bad decision that had terrible consequences...consequences that could have been SO much worse. It hurts to even think about how bad it could have been. Thank God for miracles and watching over my girlies.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
You Won't Even Believe What I Have Been Up To!
Believe it. Here's the story...
My FIL was at Cleveland Clinic. We went to visit for a weekend. It was the first time my 2 littles have stayed at a hotel. They loved wearing all their brand new swim stuff. I brought my niece and nephew to my home for a week so my SIL could stay in Cleveland with my MIL. Then we had a cousin here for the week after that.
My FIL is now here in our town at the rehab center. He may have to have bowel surgery and then they are doing the dye test on his aneurysm. My MIL is so tired and stressed. We take every chance we can to make her smile.
Last Thursday I was too tired to go on the nightly ATV ride over to the new house. Well, I let Manga Dork and the cousin take the 2 littles with them. I hurried and ate dinner cause I was so hungry I was getting sick. About 20 minutes later they all come bursting through the door. Manga Dork had flipped the ATV completely over and on its wheels again. She had tire marks rubber burnt across her leg and a sprained knee. Cutie had been flipped off and her arm was broken. Our local hospital sent her to Columbus Children's Hospital. She had to have surgery and 3 pins put in her arm. Another hot pink cast! They assure me that she won't have to start kindergarten in it! Thank goodness! Dr. Hubby and I had only 1.5 hours of sleep from Thursday morning to Friday night! We were zombies.
Want to feel like dirt? Take a child into a hospital and tell them they were on an ATV. Mother of the Year...I may be banned for life!
Today we finally got some good news! We close on our new house tomorrow at noon! I hope this is only the start of the good stuff! I feel like I am starring in the movie Crappy Scrappy and the Totally Bummer Summer!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Plant Identification
Our new home's previous owner, Maguy, loved plants and flowers and trees and herbs and gardens. All of this is so definitely out of my comfort zone, BUT I am intrigued and hoping I have found a new hobby. I am determined to keep her plants beautiful. In order to do this I must know what they are. Here are two...
I love the orange flowers on this bush. So tiny. It is growing all around my purple clematis.
This is a tree. I thought the large leaves were interesting and then these little brownish things popped up with round things on the end. THEN each little round thing popped out a small flower. I have never seen anything like it.
So far I have figured out rhododendrons, bleeding hearts, humulus lupulus {hops}, roses, and purple clematis. I have also identified peach trees, blueberry bushes, grapes, and blackberry bushes. Dr. Hubby said he believes there is some peppermint in there too. Maguy had several herbs. Holy Moly! I hope I don't accidentally pull out something important.
Thanks in advance for any help you can give my black thumb...lol.
Monday, June 20, 2011
You've Never Had It So Random {We're Moving When!? Edition}
I cleaned up a corner full of overflow stuff from my organization for the yard sale and move. While cleaning this one corner we destroyed the entire rest of the house. At least the corner is clean and now filled with several boxes packed and ready to go.
We visited FIL yesterday. He is out of ICU. Because of the medicines and infection and such he is hallucinating. He got really aggravated cause he said someone broke his bag that is collecting his pee and it was all over the floor. He got really aggravated when the nurse left without cleaning it up. He said "this is the nastiest place ever." heehee He got mad at MIL earlier in the day because she couldn't see all the little bugs in the air. I was dying to sit down next to him and say "Ew...what did I step in!" OR start swatting at the gnats. I behaved. I love him so much.
And for the biggest most stressfullest craziest most impossibleness of randomosity E.V.E.R. {Yes, I know most of those aren't even real words}....
My FIL can only come home if he has a walk in shower, open floor plan, handrails, etc. So since they are supposed to moving in my current home in 5 weeks and it has all the above...I HAVE TO MOVE IN 2 WEEKS! And I think 2 weeks is being generous. He will be home at the beginning of next week I bet. I don't get the keys to my new home until the end of this week. I wanted to clean, hire it all painted, organize all this stuff BEFORE I moved. I am so freaked out!
I need some FUN.
Happy Monday!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Enough Already
My FIL is still in the hospital. He is still critical in ICU. He just had a second surgery and is back on the ventilator. My MIL's voice on the phone tears out my heart. She is so tired...physically, mentally, and emotionally. My hubby goes back and forth spending every other night at the hospital. He spends his time with his dad's chart trying to figure out what would be best...consulting with other doctors...trying not to worry his mom too much. I can hear the worry in his voice. My little ones are asking when Papaw and Mamaw are coming home. There are all kinds of little messages on their answering machine. My teen is so worried. She got to go back and see him the other day. I feel helpless. I take all the phone calls here...updating all the worried family and friends. I carry on with tball games, TOPS, drama club practice, organizing our stuff for our new home...busy stuff. I can control the tears until they sneak upon me. Then all the trying in the world won't stop them.
I am ready for him to be back on the farm. I want to see him on the tractor mowing the hay. I am ready for him to say one of his random things that annoy me.
Please continue to pray.
I am ready for him to be back on the farm. I want to see him on the tractor mowing the hay. I am ready for him to say one of his random things that annoy me.
Please continue to pray.
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