There are some stores that are just FUN to shop in. I love shopping for the 2 little ones in Gymboree...I love all the matchy matchy of their collections...

Scotty dogs...


and cupcakes! They know what kids like! It would be a scary thing to count how many hair accessories we own from here. I am going to Gymboree today to do a little damage to the bank account and get back to school clothes for the 2 little ones!

The watermelons will be on sale...but is it too late in the season for watermelons when school starts? I could always put away an outfit for next summer...

Tea for Two collection is full of cakes...princesses...and crowns! I love the little cake purse, but purses is one accessory we don't do yet.

New York Girl is one of two new collections for back to school...gotta love the Yorkies and plaid!

Preppy poodle gives you lots of hot pink and navy with adorable white poodles thrown in! I love the knew socks...I have a feeling we will be coming home with this!
Are you addicted to a store? Is there a store that just makes you happy?
i have no kids to shop for and it's no fun buying my size clothes, so I'd have to say my favorite lately is TJ Maax for home decor.
I know that is so boring.
I love the watermelon. Now we have HOT temps until October, so I'd say get it now for Wild Child, let her wear it a time or two until it's too late then save it back for Cutie next summer!
Those are adorable outfits :)
I "heart" Gymboree and loved to shop there when my girls were little. Cutest clothes ever!! I remember actually feeling sad when my youngest daughter out grew the store.
I personally am addicted to any craft or quilt store I pass :D
Very cute. I think I need a favorite store. I only buy groceries lately.
These are so adorable! There are always such cute girl's clothes. Love the cupcake one!
Scrappy Girl, Thanks for sharing. I have 4 grand daughters and I too love Gymboree. I am going to have to get over there and see what they have going on for school. Great post. Love the Daughter. She was having fun. Make a great little model. Stop by and say hi. I am having a manic Monday. Country hugs, Sherry
Very cute outfits! I think that I would have a hard time staying away if I had little girls.
Love your blog.
Great pics! My sister is having a girl, I should tell her about this store.
Welcome to SITS!
after looking at those pictures i feel the need to go to gymboree!!! i neeeeed to for my daughter! so dang cute!
I just found your blog from my friend Merrianne's. Your blog is really cute!!! Gymboree is my absolute favorite store too, and it's so hard for me not to spend a fortune in there on my little girls! I love the Gymbucks and all the sales they have!
Come by my blog to enter some fun giveaways! Not many people have entered yet, so your chances of winning are really good!
Oh i used to have a serious Gymboree addiction! it was SO BAD! thousands of Dollars spent outfitting my herd in Gymboree matching cuteness!
i have to PROUDLY say i kicked the habit.
i barely look at the emails anymore and avoid the mall like the plague.
it helps my baby is a boy. and i kicked the habit when i had cancer and didn't have the energy to walk all the way into the mall to shop.
I do so miss the days of hair bows and back to school shopping. I remember how important the outfit for the first day of school was :). These days our just-married daughter is into Restoration Hardware, Ballard Design, and Anthropologie--at least I'm not paying for it any more---much :)!
I loved that store when my kids were little. I like any place that has good sales!
Oh, to get to dress a little girl! How fun!!! She is a little doll!!!
Oh the thrill of having daughters. Those outfits are to die for. I would love it too if I'd been bless with precious little girls. I LOVE every outfit and your two little models!!
I hate shopping :-D Really. No favorite store here... It's like pulling off my toe nails. In and out - that is me.. I'm probably not even a girl... J/K..
I definitely believe you can get away with the watermelons in September. It's still warm then! :o)
p.s. Welcome to the SITS community!
Oh my goodness, the cupcakes outfit is adorable!! I sure do love Gymboree. Although I have to admit, my kids get most of their Gymboree outfits secondhand through ebay! But that doesn't take the fun out of it--it's still shopping. Yay! This is my first visit to your blog--it's a lovely site. Think I'll stick around and browse. Cheers!
My kids luv to buy from gymboree.
I personally luv little boutiques for me.
SG: She could not be any cuter!!!!
How adorable! I think I would get addicted dressing my little ones in those outfits too! :)
I love little girl clothes!
:o) Hope you had a Happy Monday!
I miss shopping at Gymboree! My boy is 8, and he wears a size small in mens when it comes to shirts. Stores I'm addicted to? It's a toss-up between AC Moore and Target.
It's never too late in the season to wear a watermelon hat!
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