Every year our very small community celebrates the Fireman's Festival. We decided to put together a parade entry...Dr. Hubby shined up his mistress...I mean his Ford F250 Superduty...

Wild Child and I rode in the back with beach towels, a beach umbrella, and a sand bucket full of candy to throw...

Manga Dork and Cutie Patootie rode on the jet ski armed with their own sandbucket of candy. Don't ya think the theme was clever?!...Dr. Hubby's office sign was on the front of his truck...

We even won a plaque...we were the best float in the parade!...
we were the only float in the parade...we were the best float in the parade!

I love small town activities!

The 2 little ones got to dunk the girl in the tank...

and everyone tried to knock down the bottles...

Wild Child lived up to her name AGAIN...we were talking to some friends and looked over by the slide and she had her pants pulled down PEEING! I could have dug a hole...we pretended she didn't belong to us...

Meanwhile Cutie licked on some of the yummiest pizza ever served in a fire dept.
How fun! We were in a small town for the 4th, and it made me realize how much I love them. I grew up in a small town, and wouldn't want to live there, but I love going to festivals and trying out all the fun local food places.
I love anyone who whoes love to Firemen! =) My Brother is a Volunteer Fireman and also Army REserve. And He became a Fireman because of the Firemen who saved the rest of the Fam lives after an explosion that completely obliterated the house while they were sleeping. He wasnt home... Im so proud of him and greatfull to all the Men who Pulled My family from the wreckage! Amazing they all survived! .... Any way! Stopping by from SITS!! Thanks for entering my giveaway! Good Luck!
You won for best float! Niiiice!
Sweet little family you have here, loving Cutie's little curls.
Oh and P.S. TWILIGHT is awesome and completely addicting, isn't it!
Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog. :)
wow.. um just ignore all the mis-spellings. I have kids demanding attention! =)
I love that you got to go and support them. They need it.
Cute pictures as always.
Scrappy, I didn't realize how long your hair was. My goodness. Turn around and show us the goods.
That's awesome that you won! And the part about your Wild Child peeing by the slide just about made ME pee in my pants! I laugh whole-heartedly because my son has done that, only it was INDOORS at a chuck-e-cheese like place. They keep you laughing don't they?! Have a great weekend!
You are a winner!
How lucky r u to be in a small town? I am always jealous of the fun that goes on!!
(who hasn't pulled the ole underwear down and had a desperate pee?) wild child is my kinda girl.
that girl, I tell ya!
hey I wanted to let you know that I think I will post pone the make the bed monday project untill I can get more interest, and have more time to prepare for it myself.
Maybe next spring? You know, everybody's up tot their neck in summer, then back to school, then the holidays. PLUS, spring time brings about WHITE SALES! hee hee!
This just made me laugh - The float, the peeing!
BTW It was a great float -Very Clever!! What made me laugh was that you won best float but you were the only float - cute!!
I love hometown stuff - nuttin' betta!!
Looks like lots of fun! Though I must admit to having a good chuckle at you guys throwing candy from a float that says "Ride the wave of good health". I'm just teasing you a little- what good is a float if no one flings candy from it?
You small town life calls to me.
i love small town life. as much as i dream of living in the big city, its the small town vibes that i cant seperate from. cute blog =)
The small town life is the best. Had to laugh about Wild CHild, my nephew did something like that a couple of years ago. We thought it was hilarious!
Congrats on the float!
oh my gosh! that looks so fun! and congrats on your award! don't worry about the potty incident...my son once pooped in my in laws backyard during the middle of easter brunch. i was mortified!
How fun and congrats on the win..=)
how fun! i do love small town festivals and fairs! I grew up in a small town.
How much fun is all this! :-) I grew up in a place like this. Love it!
I love it! Thank you for sharing with me. Great pics!
I linked to you in my post today. I credited you with "together we can see the world" for Sundays in my City. Brilliant! Wish I would have come up with it.
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