Yesterday we attended the summer reading program at the library. This week's class was Karaoke and Dance. The librarians inflated a stage and asked the kids who wanted to sing to line up...

I was shocked when Cutie Patootie grabbed the mike and sang a one knows what song it was...but it ended with an adorable "Woo!"

Wild Child sang "Ghosts and Witches...Cats and Bats." I was in tears...I am such a nerd.

Then they got their groove on with the Hokey Pokey...they put their right foot in...

Then they turned themselves around...those little fingers are so cute I could eat 'em...

Cutie was a pro at "The Twist." This dance made them giggle...

Wild Child loves the "Chicken Dance." Cutie had to take a break after all that twisting.

They ended with "The Locomotion."
What a fun time! This wound them up for the rest of the day! Take time to dance today!
Happy Tuesday!
How cute!!!!! I wanna get up and dance now! Come on come on! :)
They both look adorable! And not the least bit shy. :)
Aww, that is so cute! Welcome to SITS!
I'm a bigger nerd. I would have been up there singing with them.
Lucky. You got to see the chicken dance. I am very very jealous.
Da da da daaaa.
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The Hokie Pokie actually IS what it's all about.
SHE REALLY IS A CUTIE PATOOTIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that looks like so much fun!!! I wish i coulda been there!
How fun! I think I will go do the chicken dance right now....=)
What fun! That is a great idea for a library to do.
So fun! The pics are great but it's easy to get good ones when you have such beautiful subjects to photograph.
so cute! YOu have your own little american idols!
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