I LOST 1.5 POUNDS! What!?!?
I did the happy dance. AND it turns out I was the biggest loser for the week! Woo Hoo! Go ME! I have lost 17.75 pounds in 6 weeks!
Manga Dork lost 1.25 pounds putting her at 12.25 pounds lost and her friend Tay lost 1.75 pounds (this was for 2 weeks cause she was on vacay last week) for a total of 10 pounds lost!
I am very proud to say that the three of us have lost a total of 40 pounds! I am so impressed with these 2 girls...they are very determined.
When I was doing WW I was so pumped to be able to put in my 1lb losses. They really do add up, ya know. I told Hubby what you said and he was even more suspicious. From now on, he is just gonna have to be left out of it! Thanks for stopping by today, come back any time!
Yay You!
Yay us!
Stopping by to give a little blog ♥ and thank you for visiting me!
Congrats on the weight. Can you pass me the cheesecake?
WOW!! You and Magna Dork are doing such a great job. You are such an inspiration to me!! Those pounds are really adding up. I loved you meal plan a couple of blogs ago - double inspriation. You can do it!! The new skinny you is ready to bust out! It will be here before you know it!! Woo HOO!!
Doesn't it feel great?! Congrats to you! I've lost over 36 pounds in the last 16 weeks, and I can't wait to see how much I lose in the next 16! :)
Keep it up..It's fun!
So proud of you girl. Keep it up or down :)
You go Girl! I am so proud of you. Every single pound you lose brings you that much closer to your goal weight. I am trying to work on it. I have become an insulin diabetic in the last 4 years, and I find it so hard to lose the extra pounds now. Keep up the good work. I will be watching your post. Please stop by and say hi. I could use any and all encouragement to keep on trucking. Country Hugs, Sherry
Good job! I find I loose a little better when I have a little dessert. Isn't that weird? But pizza? Makes me gain. I've lost two pounds this week so far. Nevermind that they were the two I had gained last week.
Great news!! Keep up the good work!
Have a nice weekend.
Most excellent my dears! That's awesome! You are all obviously doing such a great job, so keep it up! And you should definitely share some of your weight loss secrets here, I'm always on the look out for all the help I can get during my 'lifestyle change'! Thanks for visiting my blog today!
Great job! Congrats to all of you on your awesome weight loss.
HOORAY! I'm so glad for you!
Congrats, that is awesome!
Congrats on the weight loss! Every pound is something to cheer about. Keep it up.
(Pattie's passion)
I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!
I'm glad you had a good week! You don't have to eat perfectly, just better than you were on the average day. Good job everyone!
You are doing fabulous! Congrats!
Wow! You are really doing great!
I bet it feels good to have been able to celebrate your anniversary and still lose.
Hooray and Congrats to all of you!!! =)
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