Scrappy: {In an effort to pass some time} Cutie come here. Mommy wants to count your freckles to see if you have any new ones.
Cutie stands really still while Scrappy counts them.
Scrappy: 1.2.3......13! You have a new one!
Cutie: {comes closer to scrappy and puts finger between Scrappy's brows} Now let me count your hairs....1.2.....a whole many! Pretty soon you will be all HAIRY!
Keep in mind she has only one volume...LOUD!
Manga Dork's reaction to this story..."Sounds like it's time to wax."
LOl - out of the mouth of babes eh?
My daughter gazed up at me adoringly when she was about two while I held her in my lap. Then she said, "You have hairs in your nose."
Yep, tell it like it is, dear! Good luck with the waxing.
Gotta love them little kids!
Ha ha ha!!
Lovethe picture!
Oh that is so funny - Kids just let everything out of their mouths in one volume - Love it!
Yup, they always will tell you like it is..just wait til they get to be teenagers! LOL :D
Toooo funny!
She could totally make you some money with the late night comedians. What a hoot.
Too funny! My daughter told me that she hopes her teeth aren't as big as mine when she grows up.
*snort* That's so awesome!
Oh the horror! Hope the office wasn't busy! LOL
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