Well, I did not let the negativity ruin my party. It was a great time and I enjoyed planning every detail. You can see the fun HERE and HERE.
The point of this flashback is to talk about how I learned a lesson (again). If you read the linked posts you will know that very few were supportive of my party and some even laughed. Well...the other day my MIL and I were talking while we were on our way to Columbus. I told her about a project I am now working on...a list of 35 things I want to do while I am 35. She said...
"I think it is really neat how you do things that you want to do like that. Like throwing your own party last year instead of waiting on other people to do something...you made it something you really loved."
I almost wrecked the car.
you'Re totally right we shouldn't do that ALWAYS!!
in.ter.es.ting!!! out of the mouths of MIL's
Maybe she is hoping you forgot all her comments she made before.
love your 35 project idea..I want to do that.
I heard the best thing the other day.
"It's none of your business what others think of you"
I have always cared too much what others think. (maybe that means I'm a caring and thoughtful, sensitive person)
Maybe I'll throw myself a party celebrating that!! want to come?
Maybe she saw the error of her ways? Yeah, probably not.
I love a bold girl who will do whatever the hell she wants and doesn't care what people think. Go get 'em. And MIL? whatev......
holy hannah - don't ya love it when people come around :D
be who you are!!!!!!
I love it! Good for you for doing what makes you happy and refusing to listen to the negativity of others. Lol about your mil. WHo would have expected that one?
First of all, it was really fun to walk down memory lane and enjoy your Twilight B-Day party again (even with the drama)AND me winning a prize woo hoo! What are you going to do this year? Are you going to throw another party?
I love the idea of 35 things to do while you are 35... Man you are young ;-)..
MIL is weird. Really... She kinda flip flops from one evil side to the good side - doesn't she? Do you think she has really changed? From past experience... it's a scary thing to trust her. I'm glad you didn't get in a wreck.
maybe she turned a new leaf? mmmm, not likely. However, maybe she now admires you for not holding back..and living your life fully.
Love your 35 at 35 list idea.
I admire that you have fun and do what you want and that makes you happy. A Twilight party is totally awesome, you are great! Happy weekend.
hhmmm...looks like she is trying to be friends now!
love your idea! 35 while 35!
can't wait to hear how that goes!....hope NYC is on that list! ;)
It is always a good thing to look for the good in other people. Maybe this is a step MIL took to tell you how she really does admire you. There is always hope.
I am a list maker too! I love your 35 list idea - Go for it!
Can't wait for New Moon!!!!!!
P.S. I also love the other "secret" I found out from your last years party :D
It really peeves me when people don't see how rude they are or don't realize they are rude. It's like your MIL didn't even acknowledge she had been so awful. I admire you for keeping your cool. I have killed my sister's MIL in my sleep many times.
I think your farm is absolutely gorgeous this time of year...can I move in??
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