Where were you when you finished reading Breaking Dawn?
I stayed in the car and read the last 30 pages...she came back before I was done...I made her sit there...she started on her homework...I teared up...Closed the book...sighed...and said..."That was awesome."
I know there is a "guide book" coming out Dec. 31st, but is this really the last one? I can't wait til the movie. It comes out the day before my bday!
I was sitting in the living room, trying to devour as quickly as possible before naptime ended. I almost did a victory dance for finishing it before my son woke up! haha
Well............. I guess the dame place I was when I started? cause I havent started the book
I was no where. I haven't read a page of any of them. Funny huh. I am like so out of the huge loop.
i was in my bed..... IN A DAZE.....
♥ i can't wait for the movie, either!!!!!
and you can go to stephenie meyer's website and get the link to read the first few chapters of Midnight Sun-- it is GOOOOOD!!!!! it is a book from EDWARD's viewpoint. But it is on hold indefinitely.... you will read all about it on her website.
Oh My Edward...where was I? I think I was downstairs in my recliner, reading in the middle of the night. I swear, those books cost me a lot of sleep...but they were worth it. I hope she continues with Midnight Sun...I'm curious about the 'changes' that Bella brings about in Edward. Can't WAIT for the movie. I think we are totally addicted around here!
I just hate that it ends... I could keep reading their story...
Are you going to let Manga Dork read that and Eclipse as well?
Manga Dork was reading Breaking Dawn in August when I was reading Twilight. It has driven her nuts that she couldn't discuss things with me. She was very glad when I finished Breaking Dawn last nite.
Love the hangers - whoa!! I was at home when I finished the book, I was writing a midterm at the same time - school seemed so not important compared to Bella!
I'm just now reading the second book! I love this series! Can't wait for the movie! Did you see the cast??? Perfect choices and Edward is DREAMY!!!
Hi Scrappy girl..thanks for visiting my blog..:o)
I'm a complete Twilight Obsessed Mom! My dd brought Twilight home a year and a half ago and dropped it in my lap and said "you have to read this" I was like "Okay"! I've been hooked ever since then. It was painful to wait for Breaking Dawn to be released...but worth it in the end. My daughter and I even had a Breaking Dawn Tailgate Party at our Barns & Noble Breaking Dawn Release on Aug. 1st, it was awesome! Plus, Mrs. Meyer's brother (Webmaster Seth) was the special guest speaker. It was so much fun to hang out and talk with other Mom's about the Twilight Saga. So the answer to your question "Where was I when I finished Breaking Dawn....I got home around 1:00am from our Tailgate/B&N Release Party and never went to bed! I finish on Aug 2nd at 4:30 in the afternoon...LOL! My neck was sore and I was totally exhausted...but it was so worth it! I was very sad though when I saw the last page in the book. Those two words hurt "The End" :o( I am very thankful for these books though, they have kepted a bridge of open communication between myself and my sometimes surly teenager. Even when she is rolling her eyes at me because "I just don't understand kids today"...winkwink! All I have to do is go to Twilight Land with her and she's my sweet little girl again..LOL!
Thanks for stopping by my blog site. It's always great to hear from another obsessed Twilighter. After reading them all, I purchased Twilight and Breaking Dawn audio book, which I listen to all the time. I just love the whole series and am working my way up to getting them all on CD. My son surprised me tonight with a poster for the movie. I can't wait until it comes out. I'm such a Twilighter who dreams of my very own Edward often... LOL. Have a great weekend... Sondra
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